05 Jul refuses to believe

Pray for “S,” a man who has heard the Gospel for many years, but has refused to believe.  Although many of his children are walking with the Lord, his heart has remained hardened towards the Gospel.  Recently, his second wife left him and a close family member passed away.  In the midst of these difficulties, he has been more open to the Gospel.  Pray that the Lord would speak to “S” and use his children to show him the love of Jesus Christ.


Priez pour “S,” un homme qui a entendu l’Evangile depuis plusieurs années, mais a refusé de croire. Bien que plusieurs de ses enfants marchent avec le Seigneur, son cœur est resté endurci envers l’Evangile. Priez pour que le Seigneur puisse parler à “S” et qu’Il se serve de ses enfants pour lui montrer l’amour de Jésus Christ.