Every church multiplication movement in history has had churches planting churches (not just missionaries or a few believers planting churches). Consider joining John Piper's prayer: "Lord, cause this revolution to turn Niger into the Antioch of West Africa and raise up a thousand powerful Pauls." Tout...
Most Nigeriens celebrate the Muslim holiday Tabaski. During this time, each family sacrifices a white lamb for the sins that each person in their family will commit in the following year. Pray that the Nigeriens would learn about the spotless lamb who was already slain...
There is segregation between people groups in Niger and in many cases the mindset remains even after one is converted. Pray that God would impart His heart for all people into Nigerien believers, that they may see others as Christ sees them. Au Niger, l’esprit de...
“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people.” Titus 2:11. Pray that the people of Niger would accept the grace of God that brings salvation for all people. « Car la grâce de Dieu, source de vie pour tous les hommes, a été...
In the book Church Planting Movements, David Garrison states that a vital element of church planting movements involves the rapid incorporation of new converts into the life and ministry of the church. Pray that as Nigeriens become Christians, that they will immediately become involved in...
All church multiplication movements have depended upon lay leadership. Ask God to raise up and provide for more and more lay leaders for His church and that people wouldn’t rely on just a few “pastors” to do the work. Tous les mouvements de multiplication de l'église...
In Niger, many parents give money to a marabout (religious leader) to train their sons in the Quaran. Typically, however, these boys are sent to beg in the streets and are not educated by the Imam. Pray that these boys would be rescued by a...
Pray for the unreached people groups of Niger. Pray for the hearts of the Zarma to be softened and burdened to search for the truth. Pray that they would be ready to accept the gospel when it is presented to them. Pray that their eyes...