21 Feb prostitution

In Niger, many girls engage in prostitution in order to provide for their daily needs. • Pray that they will all put their hope in Christ who alone can meet their needs. • Pray that they would come to know the one true God who loves them...

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20 Feb promiscuous ways

In the Wadaabé culture of Niger, marriages are done in a way that does not conform to the Word of God. Although a husband will take a wife, he has the right to have several mistresses. Likewise, it is acceptable for married women to leave...

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18 Feb stolen dowry

Pray for “F,” a Christian widow who has suffered greatly at the hands of her husband’s Muslim family members.  Recently, her brothers-in-law stated that they were to receive the dowry for her daughter whom they have never even met.  Although the widow has very little...

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17 Feb people of peace

In Matthew 10 and Luke 10 Jesus sends out groups of disciples two by two and he tells them to search for houses and people of peace. He tells them the characteristics to look for and once they find a house or person of peace...

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16 Feb beat me until he kills me

Pray for “B,” who has heard the truth of the Gospel many times.  Once when asked if she believed in Christ, she answered, “Yes, I believe that everything you say is true, but I cannot follow Christ, or my husband will beat me until he...

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15 Feb a bold new believer

Moustapha is a young man who recently decided to follow Christ and was baptized.  He is the only male Christian in his family.  He has a strong passion for sharing the Gospel with his friends and neighbors and has already baptized 3 of his friends. ...

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14 Feb hated firstborn

It is normal in the Nigerien culture for parents to ignore and detest their firstborn child. Often, parents do not ever speak the name of their firstborn or indicate any sign of love towards their child. Even if their child fell in fire, or in...

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13 Feb Tchadaoua

The village of Tchadaoua is a village where Islam is strong. In the region of Maradi in Niger, the Gospel is harshly rejected. • Pray for the Lord to prepare the hearts of the people in these regions to accept the good news of Jesus Christ. •...

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12 Feb Fishers of Men

“And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’” Mark 1:17 Pray that the Zarma people would repent of their sins, choose to follow Christ, and passionately strive to make disciples across all other people groups.     “Jésus leur dit:...

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11 Feb extremely oppositional

Pray for the father of a Nigerien believer. Although he has heard the Gospel, he remains extremely oppositional towards Christ. • Pray that he would stop persecuting Christians and that he would have a great conversion to Christ. • Pray that he would become a zealot for...

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