09 Feb a true friend

Pray for “F,” a young Nigerien soldier.  A friend of his invited him to church several times, but he repeatedly refused.  After his friend took him to the doctor and helped with some medical needs, “F” was so touched that he agreed to go to...

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08 Feb zealous

Pray for Ahmadou, a 12 year old boy who insisted on being baptized with his parents as soon as he heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Ahmadou has remained extremely zealous and motivated to share the Gospel, even in his school where he is likely...

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07 Feb conflict and division

In Niger, many Christians have conflict and division as a result of denominations and differences in doctrine. Pray that all the Christians of Niger would be unified in order that they might boldly profess the Gospel. Au Niger, beaucoup de Chrétiens connaissent des conflits et des...

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06 Feb idolatrous practices

After accepting Christ, many Zarma continue to mix their walk with God with other idolatrous practices. Pray that as more Zarma people become Christians, they will abandon the idolatrous practices of their past and follow only Jesus Christ.   Après avoir accepté Christ, beaucoup de Zarma continuent...

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04 Feb Multiplication of 2 sisters

Pray for two sisters who have recently professed faith in Jesus Christ and have been baptized. • Pray that they would continue to grow in their knowledge and understanding of Christ and that they would in turn share the Gospel with others. • Pray that they would...

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02 Feb a clean heart

Most Muslims spend time washing themselves prior to praying five times each day, thinking that they must do this in order to be pure before God. Pray that they will understand that God desires a pure heart rather than a clean outward appearance.   La plupart des...

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01 Feb Love God, Love People, Make Disciples

Discipleship is often strangled in Niger because so many people think that church planting means building buildings, employing pastors, making budgets, and having programs. Pray that the believers in Niger would have a vision for making disciples that make disciples and that they would do...

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30 Jan polygamous origin

Most Zarma people are of polygamous origin, and women and children are sometimes neglected and left to die. Most men think of themselves first, or only themselves at all. • Pray for the Lord to touch the hearts of the men in each Nigerien household. • Pray...

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28 Jan a God who loves them

Pray for Anifa and her 2-year-old son, who have heard the Gospel, but not yet decided to pursue Christ. Pray that the Lord would call them towards Him and that they would come into relationship with a God who loves them.   Priez pour Anifa et son...

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27 Jan sweeter than any idol

Pray for “L,” a Muslim Zarma woman who accepted the Lord Jesus and was baptized. After marrying a Christian man, she returned to her Muslim beliefs and practices. • Pray that “L” will return to Christ and recognize that His love is far sweeter than any...

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