07 Oct overwhelmed by truth

Pray for “A,” a Zarma man from a village just outside of Niamey.  Church planters have been visiting him and his community for several months and he has remained extremely open to the Gospel.  Each time the Christians visit him, he asks lots of questions...

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05 Oct largest ethnic group

The Hausa are the largest ethnic group in West Africa, a high majority of which are Muslims. Currently, only 0.15% of Hausa people living in Niger are evangelical Christians. Pray that God will continue to call people to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to...

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04 Oct hesitant

Pray for “I,” a man who has experienced great loss as 5 of his 9 children have died over recent years.  Recently he has become very eager to learn about Christ.  He weekly speaks with believers and asks questions about who Jesus is and what...

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30 Sep weary in the face of trials

Pray for “A,” a woman who has diligently pursued Christ despite severe persecution at the hands of her husband.  “A” participates in a small house church with 3 of her young adult children and several students who have recently accepted Christ.  Recently, she has experienced...

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29 Sep on the job training

In the book Church Planting Movements, David Garrison states that within church planting movements, it is necessary that on the job training for church leadership takes place.  Pray that churches will start all over the country of Niger and that young leaders would rise...

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27 Sep no matter the cost

Pray for “D,” a man who believes in Christ and publicly professed his faith.  However, when he shared his decision to follow Christ with his family, his father forbade him to become a Christian and “D” abandoned his faith.  “D” has recently begun struggling with...

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26 Sep heart languages

Pray that the Gospel would be translated into the heart languages of all the people groups in Niger.  Pray that Nigeriens would have access to God’s Word not only in written form, but through recordings, stories, and other media forms.  Pray that the people of...

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23 Sep desperation

Pray for “D,” a man from the village who has been very sick.  He has recently undergone 3 surgeries, yet none have healed his maladies.  Pray that in these moments of desperation, the Lord would speak to him.  Pray that he would choose...

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22 Sep an insatiable passion

Pray that as Nigeriens accept Christ, they would be filled with an insatiable passion to see their nation won to Christ.  Pray that the persecution and hardships would not quench their fiery passion for the Lord, but would compel them to be the Light of...

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20 Sep passion for his people

Praise God for “K,” a new believer who daily travels all throughout his region of Niger proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.  “K” is a true evangelist with a passion to see his people come to know Christ.  “K” and his family are illiterate, but have...

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