30 Nov ridiculed, mocked, and insulted

“Ina’s” village is a devout Muslim village and most women attend a daily Qur’anic school. When Ina chose to accept Christ, she felt compelled to share this Good News with all the women in her village. As Ina traveled from home to home, she shared...

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28 Nov consequences

“Hatou” was one of the first people in her village to accept Christ and be baptized. Her husband, who is a marabout, tried to forbid her from going to church, but she persisted despite the consequences.  Her neighbors have tried to use sorcery against her...

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27 Nov on-the-job training

“On-the-job training” is an important aspect of Church Planting Movements.  Missionaries in Niger are currently training first-generation church leaders who are in turn expected to train someone else.  Each church leader is required to be both a disciple and a discipler in a continuous chain...

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25 Nov no longer alone

Praise God that “Lot’s” younger brother accepted Christ and was baptized. Lot is exceedingly grateful that he is no longer alone in his faith. His brother’s decision has been a tremendous encouragement to Lot. Pray that many others would choose to follow Christ. Pray that...

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23 Nov softened

When “Lot” decided to accept Christ, his wife immediately took their children and left him. Now, many months later, her heart has begun to soften towards her husband and she has decided to return home. Pray that Lot would be gracious, kind, and loving to...

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21 Nov traveling butcher

Praise God for “Laban,” a traveling butcher who recently accepted Christ and was baptized alongside his wife and brother. Laban has a powerful sense of leadership and a heart for evangelism. As he travels from village to village to sell meat, he listens to the...

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18 Nov May God’s Glory be Revealed

Pray for a new Discovery Bible Group that Garret helped start in a new village. Join Garret in praying that God’s glory would be revealed to the people of this village. Pray that as they listen, read, and study God’s Word, they would allow God’s...

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16 Nov Later

“Yon” has been attending a small Hausa house church for over a year.  He readily participates in discussions and loves learning about God’s Word. However, whenever someone asks him when he is going to finally choose to follow Christ, his answer is always, “Later, later.” ...

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14 Nov Restore and Renew

"Garret" had two wives before accepting Christ. Shortly after his dramatic conversion, both wives accepted Christ and were baptized. When Garret attended a training for new believers, his second wife was angry that he did not allow her to attend. Since that time, she has...

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11 Nov discouraged and heartbroken

Pray for “Isaiah” a man who recently accepted Christ and was baptized. Isaiah’s marriage had been difficult in the past, but when his wife heard that he had accepted Christ, she left him. They split their time with their four children. Isaiah is discouraged and...

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