12 Dec bless those who persecute you

When Yusef accepted Christ several years ago, his family, peers, and elders in his village mocked him, beat him, denied him food, and rejected him. Praise God that “Yusef” persisted in sharing his faith despite the traumatic persecution he had endured.  Two elders from Yusef’s...

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11 Dec powerful transformation

Rahab had a severe infection and sought the help of a marabout in her village who poured acid on her hand to treat it. When a Christian in her village took her to a nearby city to seek medical help, the doctors initially assumed her...

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10 Dec terrorized

Pray for “Ruth,” a young Christian mother of two small children. Recently, terrorists infiltrated their village, murdered all the men, and left the women and children face down lying in the dust. Ruth was shocked and devastated when she and her children fled their village,...

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09 Dec outsider

In Niger, when someone accepts Christ, Muslims will call them “gaida,” a word that means “outsider” or “unbeliever.” Muslims call Christians this as an insult as if they are given a new name for following Christ. Praise God for new believers all over Niger who...

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07 Dec all children belong to the husband

In Niger, all of the children belong to the husband's lineage group. When a woman’s husband dies, the children are frequently taken from her and given to the deceased husband’s family. Pray that as Nigeriens become Christians, they would allow the women to have rights...

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06 Dec audacious

Pray for Tefi, an audacious church leader who shepherds and encourages numerous leaders in a neighboring country. Tefi would like to build a training center for persecuted believers to come to be trained and equipped as church planters throughout West Africa. Pray that God would...

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05 Dec the hand of the Lord

"And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord." (Acts 11:21) Praise God that even in the midst of persecution, He empowered His disciples to lead many to faith. Pray that the hand of the...

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04 Dec won’t be persuaded

Praise God for “Abdoulaye,” a bold church leader who consistently pursues Christ despite adversity. Recently, marabouts came to his house to persuade him to abandon Christ and return to Islam. Abdoulaye boldly shared the Gospel with the marabouts and they had a lengthy conversation about...

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03 Dec punishment from God

In Niger, disabilities are often considered a punishment from God. Most people with disabilities are subject to prejudices, contributing to the marginalization of children with disabilities. Many children with disabilities are abandoned, hidden, or forced to beg. Pray that the people with disabilities in Niger will...

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