23 Oct new neighbors

“Hosea” obeyed God’s call and left his village to move to a remote village where the people had never heard about Jesus. When Hosea entered his new landlord’s house, he immediately noticed Quranic tablets hanging on the walls. Hosea explained that he was a Christian,...

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22 Oct A chance to enter paradise

In Islam, there is no assurance of salvation. Many women choose or are forced to marry to better their chances to enter paradise once they die. They also believe that having more children increases their chances. Girls are married off at a young age and...

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21 Oct provide and survive

“Inoussa” provides for his mother after the death of his father by selling seasonings, candies, and other small items from a table on the side of the road.  Inoussa and his mother have been harshly persecuted by others in their village since their baptism. Pray...

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20 Oct and then the end will come

Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Pray with boldness and expectation that the name of Jesus would be known among every people group throughout...

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19 Oct Pray for Niamey

Pray for the Lord to move in great and mighty ways in the capital city of Niamey.  Pray that the Nigerien Christians and missionary community would be united in their efforts to “make disciples of all nations,” working together to reach all of the countries,...

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18 Oct different

When “Naseer” was befriended by “Yusef,” a Christian, he was amazed at the kindness and generosity that he observed in his life. He asked Yusef why he lived so differently than the others in their community, and Yusef immediately shared his testimony and told him...

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17 Oct rejoice in suffering

Pray that Nigerien believers would rejoice in their suffering for the sake of Christ. Pray that they might consider it a privilege to experience persecution that the church might grow. Colossians 1:24 “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh...

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16 Oct opposition

Pray for the church of “Tatala” who has faced tremendous difficulties and endured heavy persecution from the Tuareg people in their region who are extremely opposed to the Gospel. Pray that the Lord would strengthen their faith amid persecution. Pray for breakthroughs to occur among...

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15 Oct “Toubarkalla”

“Toubarkalla” is a word heard frequently throughout Niger, particularly among the Hausa people.  When someone compliments your child, or even makes a true statement about yourself or another person, they must say, “Toubarkalla,” or it will be assumed that the statement was made with evil...

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14 Oct the one who heals

“Perodji” was very sick, so his wife brought him to the village of TierraMia in search of healing. When they arrived, the church surrounded them and prayed in the name of Jesus Christ that Perodji would be healed, and he was. Perodji and his wife...

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