09 Sep A Crippled Coach

Pray for “I” a man crippled with polio at the age of 16.  Despite being unable to walk, he has continued to pursue his love for soccer and has become a well-respected soccer coach in Niger.  Pray that he would come to know Jesus Christ...

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06 Sep Daily Prayer

Nigerien Muslims pray five times daily to Allah. Pray that their hearts and minds would turn towards the One True God who can hear and answer their prayers. Pray that they would grow in the knowledge of an omnipotent and omnipresent God who loves them...

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05 Sep Lord of the Harvest

Many Zarma people are farmers. As they prepare their fields for planting, pray that the rains will come early and consistently so that they might have an abundant harvest.  With an extremely dry climate, the people of Niger depend on rain to produce their staple...

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04 Sep Suffer for His Name

2 Timothy 3:12 says "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." Pray that the Zarma people will value Jesus so much that they will be willing to suffer for His name. « Or, tous ceux qui veulent vivre pieusement...

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02 Sep Testimony

“S” is a man who owns a small little shop in Niger. He has good relationships with local missionaries and the rest of the neighborhood. Pray that as he observes the comings and goings of the neighborhood, that his eyes will be open to the...

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30 Aug Culture

Most Nigerien schools have an Easter break from classes. Unfortunately, the majority of the population has never heard the story of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice to forgive the sins of the whole world. Pray that the people of Niger would hear of Christ’s love for them....

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29 Aug Hear, understand, respond

Pray that as God’s Word goes forth, that every Zarma person, young and old, would hear it, understand it, and respond to it.  Pray that God would draw the Zarma to Himself. Priez que chaque Zarma, jeune et vieux, qui entend l’Evangile puisse le comprendre et...

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28 Aug The laborers are few

"The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest." With Christians numbering less than one tenth of one percent of the Zarma population, there is still a great need...

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