The Word of God is powerful and it is sharper than a doubled edged sword. The word of God pierces hearts and has the power to change lives. Pray that Christians in Niger will make Gods word a priority in their lives and that they...
Pray for the “seekers” among the Zarma who are considering the claims of Christ. Pray that their questions and objections will be answered. Pray for whole families to be converted. Priez pour « ceux qui cherchent » parmi les Zarmas, pour ceux qui sont en train de considérer...
Matthew 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Pray that the Zarma people will see Jesus...
Discipleship is often strangled in Niger because so many people think that church planting means building buildings, employing pastors, making budgets, and having programs. Pray that the believers in Niger would have a vision for making disciples that make disciples and that they would do...
The Fulani people have played a major role in the spread of Islam in the Sahel region for hundreds of years. Pray that they would come to Jesus and that one day they would be known for the spread of the gospel in Niger and...
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:18. Pray for the many orphans in Niger and that the Lord would fulfill their desire for a father figure both physically and spiritually. « Je ne vous laisserai pas orphelins, je viendrai à...