30 Nov scattered throughout the land

Pray for the Tuaregs of Niger as they are scattered throughout the land. Through difficult access, our God knows their place in the desert. Pray that the workers among this nomadic people group will have wisdom in accessing and building relationships among the Tuareg people.     Priez pour...

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26 Nov a lonely walk

Pray for believers in all people groups in Niger. For the majority, their Christian walk is a lonely one, lacking true fellowship and support. There is great need for camaraderie within the same culture who are enduring the same hardships. Pray for the relationships to...

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19 Oct Pray for Niamey

Pray for the Lord to move in great and mighty ways in the capital city of Niamey.  Pray that the Nigerien Christians and missionary community would be united in their efforts to “make disciples of all nations,” working together to reach all of the countries,...

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15 Oct “Toubarkalla”

“Toubarkalla” is a word heard frequently throughout Niger, particularly among the Hausa people.  When someone compliments your child, or even makes a true statement about yourself or another person, they must say, “Toubarkalla,” or it will be assumed that the statement was made with evil...

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24 Sep cure salée

“Cure Salée" is a nomadic festival that is recognized on an international scale. This celebration takes place each September with the Nomads of Niger and other neighboring countries. Pray that God would use these annual meetings to send out workers who will announce the good news...

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10 Sep an evil spirit

Many Zarma Songhai people fear thunderstorms and lightning.  They believe that an evil spirit named Dongo will fall upon those who have done evil and repay them with the evil they have committed.  They believe that Dongo has responded to their transgressions in the past...

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03 Sep preserved animistic practices

Although the Fulani people proclaim to be Muslim, they have preserved numerous animistic practices.  They typically adhere to the Muslim rituals of daily prayer, annual fasting, giving alms, and pilgrimages, but they also place a great emphasis on seeking protection from the spirit world.  The...

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