10 Jan People Group – Zarma

Pray that the Zarma will be convicted of their sin and that they will pursue peace, forgiveness, and redemption through a relationship with Christ. Priez que les Zarmas puissent être convaincus de leurs péchés et qu’ils recherchent la paix, le pardon et la rédemption à travers...

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03 Jan People Group – The Gourma

The Gourma people have long held animistic beliefs. Recently many of the Gourma people have turned to Christ. Pray that many more will abandon traditional beliefs and put their trust in Jesus. Les Gourmantchés ont des croyances animistes très anciennes. Récemment de nombreux Gourmantchés ont donné...

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27 Dec People Groups

Pray for believers in all people groups in Niger. For the majority, their Christian walk is a lonely one, lacking true fellowship and support. There is great need for camaraderie within the same culture who are enduring the same hardships. Pray for the relationships to...

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20 Dec People Group – Hausa

The Hausa people have lived in Niger since 1000 B.C. Pray that this people would finally know the one true God and salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Le peuple Hausa vivaient au Niger depuis 1000 avant J-C. Priez que ce peuple puisse apprendre à connaître...

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13 Dec People Group – Zarma

Pray that the Zarma people will learn to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, strength, and mind. Priez que les Zarma puissent apprendre à aimer le Seigneur de tout leur cœur, de toute leur âme, de toute leur force et de tout leur esprit....

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06 Dec People Group – Tuareg

It is assumed that if you are Tuareg, you are Muslim. Pray that God would so work among this people group that one day, it will be only normal that if you are Tuareg, you are a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Lorsque quelqu’un est Touareg,...

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29 Nov People Group – Fulani

There are many people in Niger who want to accept Christ but are scared. Pray for the Fulani people and for the elders in each tribe to be bold and stand for truth. Pray that the Chief would hear the gospel, accept it, and that...

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22 Nov People Group – Hausa

Pray for the unreached Hausa people. Pray for those who persecute believers. Pray for the enemies of Christ to be changed and for them to fall in love with Jesus Christ. Priez pour les non-atteints parmi le peuple Hausa. Priez pour ceux qui persécutent les chrétiens....

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15 Nov People Group – Gourmanche

Pray for those of the Gourmanche people who are still unreached. Pray that each one of these precious souls would desire God’s presence in their lives. Priez pour les Gourmantchés qui sont toujours non-atteints de l’evangile. Priez que chacune et chacun de ces âmes précieuses puisse...

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08 Nov People Group – Zarma

Pray for the Zarma who are living in Niger, other surrounding countries, as well as the United States. Pray that in the midst of so many false religions and competing ideologies, they will seek the truth. Pray that God would connect them with strong believers...

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