14 Sep Important Nomadic Festival

Today, the Cure Salée (Salt Cure) festival, an important annual West African celebration, is taking place in the small town of In-Gall, in North-east Niger. More than 5,000 Nigerien Nomads and their herds have made the pilgrimage to celebrate.  The nomads gather in In-Gall at the height...

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21 Aug authority over the rain

The Yenendi is a Zarma ceremony which is held near the end of the long hot season. During this festival, the Zarma people ask spirits to bring heavy rains and plentiful harvests for the people. Pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be...

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24 Jul Neglectful Parents

Many men are neglectful of their family’s needs by choosing not to work, but to sit with friends day after day. Many mothers are neglectful of children, letting even little toddlers wander the garbage-filled streets without supervision as cars, motorcycles, animals and strangers pass by....

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17 Jul Desert Trade Routes

The Tuareg people group have long been known for running trade routes through the Sahara desert. Pray that soon they would know the Savior and make his name known throughout the whole desert.   Les Touaregs ont longtemps été réputés pour diriger les voies commerciales à travers...

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10 Jul Zarma Farmers

Many Zarma people are farmers. As they prepare their fields for planting, pray that the rains will come early and consistently so that they might have an abundant harvest. With an extremely dry climate, the people of Niger depend on rain to produce their staple...

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03 Jul Their Place in the Desert

Pray for the Tuaregs of Niger as they are scattered throughout the land. Through difficult access, our God knows their place in the desert. Pray that the workers among this nomadic people group will have wisdom in accessing and building relationships with these souls.   Priez pour...

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26 Jun Business Prowess

Tuaregs are known for their business prowess. Their work often affects many and they have much more power in Niger and North Africa than many realize. Pray that God would grab hold of these hearts and that their earthly power would translate into eternal passion...

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19 Jun Salt and Light amongst the Zarma

Pray for Zarma believers as they live out their faith day-to-day. Pray that they would know and experience Christ and His power—to transform their minds and hearts, provide for their needs, and help them be salt and light in a dark world.   Priez pour les chrétiens...

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12 Jun Gourma Bible School

Pray for the Bible schools that have been started among the Gourmanche people. Many women and men are being equipped with a knowledge of God’s Word. Pray that they would be given the vision accompanied by the courage to take what they know and boldly...

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01 May abundant crops abundant wives

At the end of a plentiful harvest, many Hausa Men believe that the abundance indicates that they should marry multiple women. • Pray that these men would submit to Jesus Christ and flee from their polygamous culture.     A l’issue d’une campagne hivernale féconde, de nombreux hommes Haoussa...

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