21 Mar ambition
Praise God for “K,” a man who accepted Christ one year ago and has made it his ambition to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone he knows. “K” has personally led over 30 people to Christ and has helped start 5 other house...
Praise God for “K,” a man who accepted Christ one year ago and has made it his ambition to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone he knows. “K” has personally led over 30 people to Christ and has helped start 5 other house...
Pray for a village outside of Zinder. Recently, two believers traveled to this village to share the Gospel. They met a group of young men who accepted them into their group and attentively listened as they shared stories about Jesus. Unfortunately, a marabout (Muslim religious...
Pray for “M,” a young mother of two children. Last year, her oldest brother led 4 of her 5 other siblings to Christ. “M” enjoys listening to stories about Jesus but has not yet accepted Christ. She has seen her siblings’ lives drastically change as...
Pray for “K,” who initially made a profession of faith, but has become discouraged by persecution and hardship and has not yet been baptized. Pray that “K” would wholly submit his life to Christ and be baptized. Pray that he would not be like the...
Pray for the “R” family in “Z” who have been extremely open and receptive to the Gospel. A Christian university student coaches soccer in their neighborhood and has begun sharing the Gospel with the “R” family. Pray that this family of peace would choose...
All of the members of a church in “Z” have experienced great persecution as a result of their decision to follow Christ. The leader of the group stated that many of his peers call him a “fool” and no longer speak to him. Several of...
Pray for “M,” a student in Zinder who accepted Christ a year ago after witnessing his brother’s counter-cultural love and gracious forgiveness. Now, “M” is leading a house church alongside his mother and two younger sisters. While participating in a recent leadership training for various...
Pray for “I,” a man who had heard of Christianity for many years, but never understood. Last year, when one of his friends accepted Christ, he noticed a dramatic change in his life and wanted to learn more about Christianity. When his friend told him...
Pray for “W’s” family who have stated that they have experienced immense joy after choosing to follow Christ. When “W” completely abandoned his previous occupation as a witchdoctor, his 2 wives fearlessly followed him and accepted Christ, not knowing how they would provide for their...
Pray for “W,” who was a witchdoctor for over 30 years before accepting Christ. In the past, he would travel all over West Africa seeking traditional medicines and many people would come to him seeking alternative healing. After choosing to follow Christ, “W” burned all...