08 Jan Vision

Satan is our great enemy and he is prowling around seeking to devour many (1 Peter 5:8). One of Satan’s greatest tools that he uses against Christians is to silence them. Physical, spiritual, emotional, and social persecution is very high in Niger. If Satan scares...

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01 Jan Vision

Pray that the Zarma, Hausa, Gourma, Fulani, and Tuareg people would praise the Father in each of their heart languages. Pray that the gospel will spread in all the people groups of Niger and that new churches of young believers will plant more churches throughout...

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25 Dec Vision

Pray for workers serving in Niger. Pray that they will learn the local languages, train up local believers, and disciple others. Pray that they will continue to profess the name of Jesus Christ in Niger despite persecution, turmoil, and suffering. Priez pour les travailleurs qui servent...

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18 Dec Vision

Throughout world, wherever disciple-making movements have taken off, missionaries have always suffered. Pray for the missionaries serving in Niger. Pray that as they endure inevitable periods of suffering that they would delight in the Lord. Pray that they would find comfort in Christ alone and...

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11 Dec Vision

Pray that missionaries in Niger would strive to make the name of Christ famous by teaching and training local believers to profess the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray that new Christians would emerge throughout Niger. Pray that these new believers would have a heart for...

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04 Dec Vision

In communities where disciple-making movements have occurred, the missionary and expatriate community have maintained a low profile. Pray that those serving in Niger would train local people to share the gospel within their community. Pray that as they disciple new believers, the new believers would...

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27 Nov Vision

In Niger, many Christian believers have kept the Islamic mindset that pastors and teachers possess greater authority within the church or in relation with God. Pray that Nigerien believers will recognize that they are just as vital of a part of the body of Christ...

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20 Nov Vision

David Garrison states in his book Church Planting Movements, that a common factor in church planting movements is the decentralization of authority in church leadership. Pray that all believers would pursue their role within the body of Christ. Pray that all Nigerien believers would consistently...

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13 Nov Vision

Pray that as new Nigerien Christian leaders emerge, that mature Christians will equip, disciple and train them to lead others to Christ. Pray for the discipleship of Nigerien Christians. Priez pour qu’à mesure que de nouveaux dirigeants chrétiens nigériens émergent, les chrétiens matures les équipent, les...

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06 Nov Vision/Disciple Making

Pray that new believers will immediately commit to a church body. Pray that Nigerien churches will disciple young believers, teach them to serve the Body of Christ, and spur them on in their pursuit of Christ. Priez pour que les nouveaux croyants s'engagent immédiatement dans une...

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