26 Jun no need for buildings

David Garrison states in his book Church Planting Movements that church buildings do not appear in Church Planting Movements (CPM).  Typically within a CPM, churches continue to be small, reproducible cell churches of 10-30 members meeting in homes or storefronts. Pray that small, reproducible churches would...

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19 Jun churches planting new churches

According to the book Church Planting Movements by David Garrison, in most Church Planting Movements (CPM), the first churches were planted by missionaries or by missionary trained church-planters.  However, at some point, as the movements entered a multiplicative phase of reproduction, the churches themselves began...

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12 Jun 5 purposes of a healthy church

In the book Church Planting Movements by David Garrison, the final universal element in every church planting movement is healthy churches.  Healthy churches carry out the following five purposes: Worship Evangelistic and missionary outreach Education and discipleship Ministry Fellowship Pray that these five health indicators would be strong among the...

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05 Jun intimate knowledge of their heart language

David Garrison states, “Nothing reveals a people group’s worldview as much as an intimate knowledge of their heart language.” Pray that missionaries in Niger would identify and embrace the heart language of the people group with whom they are striving to reach. Pray that workers would train...

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29 May family and social connections

According to David Garrison, beyond the 10 universal elements found in every Church Planting Movement (CPM), there are at least 10 other common factors found in most CPMs.  One such factor is that evangelism has communal implications and typically relies on a much stronger family...

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22 May rapid incorporation

Rapid incorporation of new converts into the life and ministry of the church is another common factor observed in most Church Planting Movements.  Normally, discipleship precedes conversion and continues indefinitely.  Similarly, baptism is not typically delayed and new believers are expected to immediately share the...

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15 May passion, urgency, boldness, and fearlessness

Church Planting Movements (CPMs) are characterized by passion, urgency, boldness and fearlessness.  Although these qualities often invite persecution, they are the qualities that fuel a CPM. Pray that Nigerien believers would have a bold urgency for leading others to Christ. Pray that Christians would not be fearful...

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27 Mar scriptural authority for the illiterate

Another universal element present in every Church Planting Movement is scriptural authority.  David Garrison states in his book Church Planting Movements that even among nonliterate people groups, the Bible has been the guiding source for doctrine, church polity, and life itself. Pray that the largely illiterate...

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20 Mar accountable

The word “accountability” does not even exist in most Nigerien languages.  It is abnormal to discuss one’s sin struggles, areas of weakness, or any form of vulnerability with others.  Even among the Christian population in Niger, hiding sin and denying faults is more likely than...

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06 Mar saturated in prayer

We want to saturate the country of Niger in Prayer during the month of Ramadan and we need your help! Join the Pray for Niger 24/7 Movement Prayer has always been a key component in Church Planting Movements.  Pray that as Nigeriens commit their lives to Christ,...

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