28 May Vision

Church planting movements frequently occur in the midst of political turmoil. Pray that in moments of political unrest or insecurity that the people of Niger would turn to the One True God who can provide them eternal security. Les mouvements d’implantation d'églises se produisent fréquemment au...

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21 May Vision

Pray that new Nigerien Christians will fiercely endure the trials, persecution, and difficulties they will experience as a result of following Christ. Pray that they would fix their eyes on Christ despite the hardships in their present condition. Priez pour que les nouveaux chrétiens nigériens puissent...

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14 May Vision

In the book Church Planting Movements, David Garrison states that there is always a price to pay to become a Christian. Pray that the people of Nigerien would recognize that Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price in order to save them. Pray that any difficulty...

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07 May Vision

Pray that as Nigeriens accept Christ, they would be filled with an insatiable passion to see their nation won to Christ. Pray that the persecution and hardships would not quench their fiery passion for the Lord, but would compel them to be the Light of...

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30 Apr Vision

Passion and fearlessness are essential components in disciple making movements. Pray that missionaries in Niger and Nigerien believers would passionately pursue the lost. Pray that they would not be crippled by apathy, fear, or timidity but that they would boldly proclaim the Gospel of Christ...

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23 Apr Vision

Pray that new believers will immediately commit to a church body. Pray that Nigerien churches will disciple young believers, teach them to serve the Body of Christ, and spur them on in their pursuit of Christ. Priez pour que les nouveaux croyants s'engagent immédiatement dans une...

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16 Apr Vision

In the book Church Planting Movements, David Garrison states that a vital element of church planting movements involves the rapid incorporation of new converts into the life and ministry of the church. Pray that as Nigeriens become Christians, that they will immediately become involved in...

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09 Apr Vision

Pray that as the people of Niger seek a better life, they will find the One who offers life abundant. Pray that Nigerien believers will share the Hope that is found in Christ alone with their surrounding community. Priez afin que, pendant que les gens du...

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02 Apr Vision

Historically, when disciple making movements have occurred throughout the world, the Gospel has transformed entire communities. Pray that Nigerien believers would engage their families, friends, and neighbors within their communities. Pray that entire neighborhoods, villages, and cities would be impacted by the Good News of...

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26 Mar Vision

Pray that the Gospel would be translated into the heart languages of all the people groups in Niger. Pray that Nigeriens would have access to God’s Word not only in written form, but through recordings, stories, and other media forms. Pray that the people of...

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