Prayer is an essential element to our christian lives and our personal walk with God. Prayer is also foundational for CPM’s (Church Planting Movements). If we want to see churches multiply in Niger we need a multitude of people praying for Niger and the people...
Many of the deaf population in Niger are considered outcasts. Often, those that are deaf are no longer called by their given name, but are referred to by a name that literally means, “that person does not understand.” Pray for workers who are doing church...
Pray for believers in all people groups in Niger. For the majority, their Christian walk is a lonely one, lacking true fellowship and support. There is great need for camaraderie within the same culture who are enduring the same hardships. Pray for the relationships to...
“And he said to all, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23. Let us pray that the believers in Niger would take up their cross daily and follow after Jesus regardless...
Pray for workers serving in Niger. Pray that they will learn the local languages, train up local believers, and disciple others. Pray that they will continue to profess the name of Jesus Christ in Niger despite persecution, turmoil, and suffering. Priez pour les travailleurs qui servent...
The Word of God tells us that if we pray to the Father in faith we will receive what we have asked for according to His will. Pray that believers all over the world would pray in faith for God to work miracles amongst the...
Less than half of the Nigerien population has access to clean water. Pray for workers who are helping provide wells or other forms of clean water. Pray that the Nigerien people would come to know Jesus Christ who can offer them living water. Moins de la...
The Hausa people have lived in Niger since 1000 B.C. Pray that this people would finally know the one true God and salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Le peuple Hausa vivaient au Niger depuis 1000 avant J-C. Priez que ce peuple puisse apprendre à connaître...