29 Jun took his son, his wife, and his cows

Pray for “Comrade,” a new Fulani believer who was recently baptized. When his father-in-law heard that he had accepted Christ, he forced his daughter to return home and took back the cows that he had given the couple as a marriage gift. Although Comrade’s wife has returned to him, her father refused to let her bring their oldest child or their livestock.

Pray that the Lord would comfort Comrade in the midst of this persecution. Pray that his wife would be amazed at Comrade’s transformation and choose to accept Christ as well.

Priez pour “Comrade,” un nouveau croyant Peulh qui a été baptisé récemment. Quand son beau-père a entendu qu’il a accepté Christ, il a fait pression sur sa fille pour qu’elle retourne à la maison et il a repris les vaches qu’il a données au couple en guise de cadeau de mariage. La femme de Comrade a certes finalement regagné son foyer, mais son père a refusé qu’elle amène avec elle leur fils aîné ainsi que leur bétail.

Priez pour que le Seigneur réconforte Comrade face à cette persécution. Priez pour que sa femme soit émerveillée par la transformation qui s’est produite dans la vie de Comrade et choisisse d’accepter Christ elle aussi.