28 Oct Pray for Absalom’s children

Pray for “Absalom,” a man who sacrificed to send his children to Qur’anic school for many years. Recently, Absalom accepted Christ and immediately shared his faith with his adult children. One of his sons is an Imam and is disappointed in his Father’s decision to abandon Islam. He asks for prayer that his children would recognize that his life has completely changed because of Jesus Christ and one day they too would submit their lives to Christ. 

Priez pour “Absalom,” un homme qui a consenti des sacrifices en envoyant ses enfants à l’école coranique pendant plusieurs années. Récemment, Absalom a accepté Christ et a partagé immédiatement sa foi avec ses enfants adultes. L’un de ses enfants est un Imam et est déçu de la décision de son père d’abandonner l’Islam. Il demande à ce que l’on prie pour que ses enfants reconnaissent que sa vie a complètement changée à cause de Jésus Christ et qu’un jour, eux aussi puisse soumettre leurs vies à Christ.