20 Jul excruciating pain

Pray for “Bouba,” a church leader who has had excruciatingly painful health issues over recent months.  Praise God that doctors in a nearby city seem to have discovered the cause of his pain and he is currently undergoing treatment. Pray that the Lord would heal...

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18 Jul Pray for “Isaac”

Pray for “Isaac,” a young man who has been a believer for several years. Isaac is passionate about seeing his country transformed by the Gospel and has recruited a group of like-minded young men to help him spread the Gospel throughout Niger. Pray that the...

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17 Jul time and energy sensitive

According to Contagious Disciple Making by David and Paul Watson, “DMM (Disciple Making Movements) are extremely time and energy-intensive.  Leaders invest a major portion of their time equipping other leaders.”  Pray that missionaries and church planters in Niger would be diligent to train, disciple, and...

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15 Jul relentlessly persecuted

Pray for “Yusef,” a student who has been relentlessly persecuted because of his faith in Jesus Christ. During Ramadan, his family refused to give him food and beat him if he tried to eat anything. His mother forbid her other children from speaking to him...

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13 Jul manipulator

Pray for “Michael,” a man who professed Christ several years ago, but continued to live in the world. In the past, Michael has manipulated others for his own selfish gains. Recently, however, Michael has returned to the Dosso region and has been sharing his faith. ...

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04 Jul Pray for “Nouhou”

"Nouhou" is a devout Muslim who has been working for a missionary family for several years.  Although he has heard the Gospel many times, he said he would never become a Christian because all his friends and family members are Muslims.  This week Nouhou will...

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03 Jul local leaders

In the book Church Planting Movements by David Garrison, local leadership is a universal element in every Church Planting Movement (CPM).  In order for a CPM to occur, it is essential that missionaries walk alongside local church planters to cultivate, disciple, and establish them as...

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01 Jul frustrated by limitations

Pray for “Adam,” a man whose foot was amputated following a serious infection.  Although Adam’s foot has healed, he has been unable to be fitted for a prosthetic. Adam has been frustrated by his limitations and has struggled to find work. Adam states that he...

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29 Jun took his son, his wife, and his cows

Pray for “Comrade,” a new Fulani believer who was recently baptized. When his father-in-law heard that he had accepted Christ, he forced his daughter to return home and took back the cows that he had given the couple as a marriage gift. Although Comrade’s wife...

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