22 Feb until the day I die

Lot has had breathing difficulties for many years, but after accepting Christ, he noticed that his breathing improved and his strength was renewed. Although Lot lost his wife and children as a result of choosing to follow Christ, he says, “I will share the Gospel until the day I die.”

  • Lot asks that we would pray for his friends Abdul, Miko, and Mamadou, who are all interested in listening to God’s Word but have not yet accepted Christ.
  • Pray that the Lord would continue to strengthen Lot and improve his health.
  • Pray that his family would be reconciled and saved.

Lot a des problèmes de respiration depuis des années, mais après avoir accepté Christ, il a constaté que sa respiration s’est améliorée et sa force a été renouvelée. Sa femme et ses enfants l’ont abandonné après qu’il a choisi de suivre Christ, mais il a dit : ’’Je partagerai l’Evangile jusqu’au jour où je mourrai’’.

  • Lot sollicite que l’on prie pour ses amis Abdoul, Miko et Mamadou qui ont démontré un intérêt pour écouter la Parole de Dieu, mais qui, cependant, n’ont pas encore accepté Christ.
  • Priez pour que le Seigneur continue de fortifier Lot et améliore sa santé.
  • Priez pour que sa famille soit réconciliée et parvienne au salut.