10 Jul calm

When “Nathan” accepted Christ, he was fearful to tell his father of his decision. Recently, however, Nathan shared his faith with his father and was shocked that his father’s response was calm. He has been able to share the Gospel with his father and his father has remained open to continuing the discussion.

Pray that Nathan’s father would be convinced that Jesus Christ is the One True God and choose to give his life to Him.

Quand “Nathan” a accepté Christ, il redoutait d’annoncer sa décision à son père. Cependant, tout récemment, Nathan a partagé sa foi avec son père et a été abasourdi de voir son père répondre dans le calme. Il a pu partager l’Evangile avec son père et son père est resté disposé à continuer la discussion.

Priez pour que le père de Nathan soit convaincu que Jésus Christ est le seul vrai Dieu et choisisse de lui confier sa vie.