22 Mar Ramadan 13: Set Free

“Amadou” was a successful 28-year-old Tuareg man. His father’s second wife was filled with jealousy towards him and visited a witch doctor to place a curse on him so that he became paralyzed. When his parents brought him to a local hospital, they stated that there was nothing that could be done to help him.

Eventually, they spoke with some Christians from a neighboring village who offered to pray for him. As they prayed, he began to regain some feeling and after four consecutive days of prayer, Amadou was completely healed. Amadou immediately stated that he was convinced that Jesus is the truth, (as stated in the Quran) and that he was ready to follow Christ.

His parents who were with him when he was healed were vehemently against his decision, and his father said that he would prefer for Adamou to die rather than to become a Christian.

  • Praise God that Amadou professed his belief in Christ and pray that he would walk in obedience and be baptized.
  • Pray that his parents’ hearts would be touched and that they would recognize that it was Jesus who healed their son.

« Amadou » était un Touareg de 28 ans ayant réussi. La seconde épouse de son père était remplie de jalousie envers lui et a rendu visite à un sorcier pour lui jeter un sort pour qu’il soit paralysé. Lorsque ses parents l’ont amené dans un hôpital de la place, ils(les médecins) ont déclaré qu’ils ne pouvaient rien faire pour lui.

Finalement, ils ont parlé avec des chrétiens d’un village voisin qui ont proposé de prier pour lui. Pendant qu’ils priaient, il commença à retrouver un peu de sensation et après quatre jours consécutifs de prière, Amadou fut complètement guéri. Amadou a immédiatement déclaré qu’il était convaincu que Jésus est la vérité (comme le dit le Coran) et qu’il était prêt à suivre le Christ.

Ses parents qui étaient témoins sa guérison étaient farouchement opposés à sa décision, et son père disait qu’il préférerait qu’il (Amadou) meure plutôt que de devenir chrétien.

  • Louez Dieu de ce qu’Amadou a confessé Christ et priez pour qu’il marche dans l’obéissance et se fasse baptiser.
  • Priez pour que le cœur de ses parents soit touché et qu’ils reconnaissent que c’est Jésus qui a guéri leur fils.