24 Aug forbidden to raise his children

When “Moses” accepted Christ several years ago, his wife immediately left him and his parents took his children to raise as their own.  Even now, many years later, he longs to be reunited with his children, yet his parents refuse to allow them to have...

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21 Aug collapsed

Pray for “Kaleb,” a man who has only known Christ for two years, but has started several other churches and led many people to Christ.  A few weeks ago, his small 4 meter by 4 meter house completely collapsed under the weight of an early...

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19 Aug eldest son

“Kafi” is the eldest son of a man who has started several churches and led numerous people to Christ.  Kafi has begun traveling with his father to learn how to disciple and encourage other church leaders and new believers.  Kafi will begin to take on...

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17 Aug take back the cows

“Nehemiah” is a Fulani man who has been greatly persecuted by his brothers since becoming a Christian.  Many years ago, his oldest brother gave him cows raise, but now he has threatened to take all of his cows if he doesn’t reject Christ.  Even still,...

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14 Aug Wife Stealer

“Atinni” is a Fulani man who participated in the Gerewol festival every year and was successful in stealing other men’s wives.  One night, in a jealous rage, another man entered Atinni’s tent and attempted to cut off his hand with a machete.  Although his hand...

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12 Aug from marabout to Christian

Malachi was once a marabout (Muslim religious leader) and knew the Q’aran very well.  A few months ago, he was lead to Christ following the conversion of his parents and he has since then begun leading a church in his village.  Malachi has been traveling...

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07 Aug infection to amputation

Pray for “Adam,” a Tuareg man who has been visiting with a church planter and daily listening to the Bible in Tamasheq.  A month ago, he showed the church planter a small infected sore on his foot.  When the church planter visited him after returning...

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05 Aug 4 new believers

Pray for the “B” village where four new believers were recently baptized. They have begun a small house church in their home and are eager to engage others in their village. Pray that as they study God’s Word together, they would grow in their knowledge and...

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27 Jul Pray for “Noah”

“Noah” is a devout Muslim man who has been working for a missionary for several years.  Although he has heard the Gospel numerous times, he states that he will not even consider becoming a Christian because all of his friends and family members are Muslim. ...

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24 Jul Pray for “Ali’s” village

There are 3,000 people in Ali’s village.  Ali and his family recently gave their lives to Christ and were baptized.  He has participated in leadership development training, is being discipled by other believers, and is leading a small church in his home.  New people are coming to their...

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