“Mary” and her family were neighbors to some missionaries and have heard much about Jesus. Many seeds have been planted, but they have not professed faith in Jesus Christ. Pray God would bring them to a place of understanding that Jesus is the only way. «Marie»...
“F” is a neighbor to missionaries. She has two little boys from different fathers. She is not married. Pray that she would experience the love of Jesus. Pray that she would stop searching for fulfillment in those that would fail her and that she would...
"H" was saved over twenty years ago. He loves the Lord, although his wife refuses to come to Jesus. They have nine children together and some of them may believe. His work has him around missionaries frequently, but he lacks peer fellowship. Please pray God...
In 2015, nearly every church building in Niger was burned in a day. After that occurred, one pastor shared, “This is great. Now the church will grow.” Pray for Nigeriens suffering persecution. Do not pray that the persecution would stop, but that Christ would be...
Pray for “B,” a Songhai village that is comprised of over 1,000 people, yet there is only one Christian. Pray that as the Gospel is proclaimed in this village, they would choose to accept Christ. Pray that this entire village would be won for Christ. Priez...