18 Sep beat with a stick
When “Cain” heard that his daughter and her husband had accepted Christ, he was stunned. When the woman and her husband decided to move in order to attend a Bible school, Cain was infuriated. Cain confronted Naaman, who had led them to Christ and began beating him with a stick. Naaman was not seriously injured, but he asks for prayer that Cain would be visited by Christ and recognize that his daughter has decided to place her trust in the only God.

Quand “Cain” a appris que sa fille et son mari ont accepté Christ, il était abasourdi. Quand la femme et son mari ont décidé de quitter et d’aller fréquenter une école Biblique, Cain était devenu furieux. Cain a confronté Naaman, lui qui les a conduits à Christ et il s’est mis à le battre à l’aide d’un bâton. Naaman n’était pas gravement blessé, cependant, il sollicite les prières pour que Cain soit visité par Christ et qu’il reconnaisse que sa fille a décidé de placer sa confiance dans le Dieu unique.